ECC 5 Monday September 9, 2019

As we begin our new school year we begin in our Lord’s name remembering his admonition:  “So walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, just as you were taught.  Colossians 2: 6-7. During our first week of we will focus on Jesus...

May 15, 2019 ECC 5

Christ is Risen!  He is Risen indeed!  Alleluia! JESUS’ TIME:  We are celebrating the Risen Christ as He appeared to His disciples and even now appears to us. We accept the wonder of the Resurrection as the basis of our salvation.  And with Peter, James, and...

ECC 5 April 3, 2019

May the peace, mercy , and love of Jesus be with you all in this holy season of Lent! Thank you so much for all your help in making the ECC circus a success.  Your children looked so great in their costumes and the gym was beautiful. Our children have begun their...

ECC 5 February 18 – 28, 2019

Praying that you and your families are enjoying the Winter Break and will return to school with renewed energy. JESUS’ TIME:  Jesus grew into His Ministry through His Baptism, temptations, and calling helpers to come with Him.  So to He calls us to be His...

ECC 5 January 7 – 25, 2019

Bless You at the New Year! JESUS’ TIME:  We continue to celebrate Jesus’ birthday — the coming of the Wise Men; how Jesus was revealed to the ancient prophets, Anna and Simeon; how our Father God protected His Son from the one who sought to kill Him;...

ECC 5 December 14-21, 2018

God loved Us and sent His Son!  1 John 4:10   December has been a most exciting month for teachers and students alike.  We have been getting ready for Christmas, the birthday of our King:  God’s Son – Jesus.  Throughout all our activities the goal has...