by Chrystal Moraitis | May 3, 2021 | ECC4 Pre-K - Ms. Pepitone
Welcome to May! The weather is finally getting warmer and we are definitely enjoying our outside time. We have been making lots of wishes on all of the dandelion puffs we find in the fields. We have been able to watch them grow from buds, to yellow flowers, and...
by Chrystal Moraitis | Apr 25, 2021 | ECC4 Pre-K - Ms. Pepitone
I cannot believe that this is the last week in April and May is just around the corner! Spring is definitely in the air and God’s beauty is all around us. We have been enjoying looking at the beautiful daffodils, tulips, and hyacinths planted outside our church...
by Chrystal Moraitis | Apr 19, 2021 | ECC4 Pre-K - Ms. Pepitone
Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all enjoyed some fresh air this weekend. This week is week 2 in our Big Day curriculum, “What’s in the Sky?” We will read Little Cloud, Mommy’s Little Star, You and Me Together, and ABC I like Me. Our...
by Chrystal Moraitis | Apr 12, 2021 | ECC4 Pre-K - Ms. Pepitone
I hope everyone had a blessed Easter and a restful Easter break. It is so hard to believe that there are only 2 months left of school! This year just seems to have flown by! In our Big Day PreK curriculum we will be starting Theme 7 Nature all Around Us. This...
by Chrystal Moraitis | Feb 21, 2021 | ECC4 Pre-K - Ms. Pepitone
Welcome back everyone! I hope you all enjoyed the very snowy break. I can’t believe it is already the last week in February and March and Spring are just around the corner. This week we will continue our Imagine it, Make it theme with the topic “Things We...
by Chrystal Moraitis | Feb 6, 2021 | ECC4 Pre-K - Ms. Pepitone
Happy second week of February! This will be the second week of our theme “Imagine it, Make it”, and the topic will be “Tools We Use”. We will read Science Tools, and Alphabet Under Construction. Our new vocabulary will be: build, bridge, ramp,...