HAPPY NEW YEAR!  Blessings from our Lord, Jesus Christ! As the month of January begins we begin to learn that Jesus is our Light – the Epiphany of His grace.  Isaiah says “Arise Shine for your Light has come”.  During this season the children will be...

ECC 5 December 15, 2019

St. Paul writes “In the fullness of time God sent His Son”. (Galations 4) The time was right – the government, the rate of exchange, the roads, the language.  The good news could be spread – Immanuel, God is with us.  And so now the time is...

ECC 5 December 1, 2019

“And suddenly it’s Advent:  a time of waiting.  The scriptures tell us, “Behold your King is coming!”. And so our classroom is in a flurry waiting for Christmas – Jesus’ birthday.  We hear the from St. Luke that the angel, Gabriel,...

ECC 5 November 24, 2019

Give thanks to the Lord continually in all circumstances.  I Thess. 5:18 Our November lessons are slowly winding up.  We hear from St. Luke the story of the Ten Sick Men and the one who came back to say “Thank you!”.  Our God is so good to us ; he gives us...

ECC 5 November 18, 2019

“The eyes of all wait upon you O Lord and you give them their meat in due season; You open your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing.”  Psalm 145 Our children are continuing to learn about giving thanks always.  The Bible stories of Hannah and...

ECC 5 November 12, 2019

It is a good thing to give thanks to the Lord! This week we will be thanking God for our families and friends as we learn about David and his friend, Jonathan. Our study of the fall season continues as we learn about squirrels and their life style and habits.  We will...