Mrs. Forte’s Math News- Week of 11/29 to 12/3

Math 6 This week we are continuing our new chapter on percents.  We will be learning how to convert fractions to percents and percent to fractions.  We will then explore how to covert decimals to percents and percents to decimals.  We will also learn how to solve...

Mrs. Forte’s Math News

Math 6 This week we are starting a new chapter on percents.  We will be learning how to convert fractions to percents and percent to fractions.  We will then explore how to covert decimals to percents and percents to decimals.  There are not any tests or quizzes this...

Mrs. Forte’s Math News- Week of 11/15/21

Math 6 This week we are finishing up our chapter on decimals.  Students need to be able to add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals and apply them to word problems.  The test will be on Wednesday, 11/17.  Use the review sheet that is posted to help guide your...

Mrs. Forte’s Math News- Week of 11/1/21

Math 6 This week we are focusing on word problems involving fractions.  We will also be reviewing for our fraction test.  The test is on Thursday, 11/4.   Math 7 This week we are learning reviewing how to find percent of change.  The quiz on this topic is...

Mrs. Forte’s Math News – Week of 10/25/21

Math 6 This week we are focusing on multiplying and dividing of fractions.  There will be a quiz on Thursday, 10/28. After the quiz, we will be working on a recipe project that involves fractions.   Math 7 This week we are learning about 3 types of percent...