by Jennifer Forte | Jan 14, 2022 | Mrs. Forte
Math 6 This week we are continuing with our chapter on statistics. On Wednesday, 1/19, we will be having a quiz on quartiles and box and whisker plots. The rest of the week will focus on creating dot plots, frequency tables, and histrograms. Math 7 This week we are...
by Jennifer Forte | Jan 7, 2022 | Mrs. Forte
Math 6 This week we are continuing with our chapter on statistics. On Monday, we will have our quiz on measures of center, that was rescheudled due to the snow day. After that we will be learning about quartiles and how to create a box and whisker plot. Math...
by Jennifer Forte | Jan 3, 2022 | Mrs. Forte
Math 6 This week we are continuing with our chapter on statistics. We will be working with meausres of center (mean, median, and mode), measures of variation (minimum, maximum, range), and outliers. We will also apply these skills to word problems. There is a quiz...
by Jennifer Forte | Dec 12, 2021 | Mrs. Forte
Math 6 This week we are having our test on percents. The test is Monday, 12/13. Students were given review sheets on Friday to help guide studying. The rest of the week will focus on statistics, finding measures of center (mean, meadian, mode) and measures of...
by Jennifer Forte | Dec 3, 2021 | Mrs. Forte
Math 6 This week we are finishing up our chapter on percents. This week we will be working on a percent project in class and then reviewing for our unit test, which is on Friday, 12/10. Math 7 This week we are focusing on multistep equations that involve...
by Jennifer Forte | Nov 24, 2021 | Mrs. Forte
Math 6 This week we are continuing our new chapter on percents. We will be learning how to convert fractions to percents and percent to fractions. We will then explore how to covert decimals to percents and percents to decimals. We will also learn how to solve...