Mrs. Skoch’s Notes for the Week of January 13th

“Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.” – Benjamin Franklin Welcome back to a new week filled fresh opportunities to grow and learn. In all three social studies classes this week, we are...

Mrs. Skoch’s Notes for the Week of January 6th

Happy New Year to one and all! Next week we will be reviewing for the social studies midterm exam, but this week we are continuing to work on new content. Review packets will be linked at the end of this week. 6th Social Studies This week the students will be learning...

Mrs. Skoch’s Notes for the Week of December 16th

We’re almost there! T-minus 12 days until Christmas! Since this is the final week before Christmas break, each class will be having test, except for 6th grade religion. We will be continuing with our study of the Israelites wandering in the wilderness following...

Mrs. Skoch’s Notes for the Week of December 9th

Greetings to one and all! Over the next two weeks we are going to tie up loose ends before Christmas. Therefore, the students will be bucking down and will need to work diligently to meet our goals and deadlines. 6th Social Studies In class this week we are studying...

Mrs. Skoch’s Notes for the Week of December 2nd

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Thank you to all who helped make the feast a special event for the kids. They really enjoyed themselves. Here is the news for this week. 6th Social Studies This week we are continuing to learn about ancient India,...

Mrs. Skoch’s Notes for the Week of November 25th

Welcome back for the final week of November! Here are the plans for the last few days before Thanksgiving. 6th Social Studies In sixth grade, we are moving right along with our curriculum. We will be starting chapter 5, Ancient India, but we will only study the...