Mrs. Skoch’s Notes for the Week of November 23rd

Happy early Thanksgiving to one and all! Since it is a short week, my notes will also be abbreviated. There are no tests or quizzes in any of my classes this week, but here are the updates: 6th Religion- This week we will be studying Korah’s rebellion, which is...

Mrs. Skoch’s Notes for the Week of November 16th

Hello, Everyone. I am very much looking forward to meeting with each of you to discuss your child’s progress on Thursday during Parent Teacher Conferences. Even though there are no classes on Thursday, we still have quite a lot of work to get through this week....

Mrs. Skoch’s Notes for the Week of November 9th

Welcome back to a new week of school! Here are the updates for this week. Also, a special thank you to all the veterans. I am thankful for your service to our country. 6th Religion This week we are continuing to study Moses and the story of the Exodus from Egypt....

Mrs. Skoch’s Notes for the Week of November 2nd

Greetings to one and all. I cannot believe that we are entering our third month of school already! Time is flying by. This is a big week for our nation, as we hold our presidential election. We will touch upon the election in each of the social studies classes, but I...

Mrs. Skoch’s Updates for the Week of October 26th

Hello, everyone. This week I am just posting a few quick updates. 6th Religion On Friday, the students will have their test on Unit 1. You may view the review here. There is not memory verse for this week. 6th Social Studies The students will have their test on...

Mrs. Skoch’s Notes for the Week of October 19th

Welcome back to a fresh week at Trinity! I hope this post finds everyone in good health. Here are the updates for this week. 6th Religion For the last few lessons in religion class, we have been talking a lot about family dynamics within Abraham’s family and his...