by Chrystal Moraitis | Jan 30, 2021 | ECC4 Pre-K - Ms. Pepitone
Happy February everyone! Are you ready for some snow? This week we will begin a new unit called “Imagine it, Make it”. Our first topic will be “Using My Imagination”. We will read Not a Box, The Shape of Things, and Ten Black Dots. Our new...
by Chrystal Moraitis | Jan 25, 2021 | ECC4 Pre-K - Ms. Pepitone
This week will be week 4 in our Amazing Animals unit with the topic “Animals Grow and Change”. Our new vocabulary will be: adult, baby, grow, change, and stage. We will read Butterflies and Dora’s Eggs. We will also continue to talk about polar...
by Chrystal Moraitis | Jan 17, 2021 | ECC4 Pre-K - Ms. Pepitone
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. As we enjoy our day off on Monday, let us take time to remember Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s words, and reflect...
by Chrystal Moraitis | Jan 11, 2021 | ECC4 Pre-K - Ms. Pepitone
This week begins week 2 in our Awesome Animals unit “Animal Homes”. Our new vocabulary words are: habitat, burrow, hive, nest, tunnel, and web. We will also talk later in the week about hibernation. We will read Animal Homes, Bear Snores On, and Click,...
by Chrystal Moraitis | Jan 3, 2021 | ECC4 Pre-K - Ms. Pepitone
Welcome back! And welcome to a fresh, new year! I hope everyone had a relaxing holiday break! This week we will start a new unit in our Big Day Curriculum “Awesome Animals”. The first topic will be “All Kinds of Animals”. Our vocabulary words...
by Chrystal Moraitis | Dec 12, 2020 | ECC4 Pre-K - Ms. Pepitone
It’s our last week before Christmas break and I can’t tell you how excited I am that we made it! This week will of course be all about Christmas. Christmas stories, Christmas movies, Christmas projects, and of course on Friday… PJs and hot cocoa! For...