March 16—

Well, Trinity is closed and we are jumping into in line teaching… The office should be sending an email explaining that we will be using google clasroom and zoom. Please be sure your child is included in our fifth grade google classrooms. We will begin slowly....

March 2-6

It’s March, already? ELA: We are reading The Cricket in Times Square. Test upon completion. Spelling words from Cricket in Times Square. Test Friday Individual book choices: Ben & Me, Auggie & Me. Test 3/31 Writing: We are exploring persuasive writing...

Feb. 3-7….

We have a full week… Here’s what’s going on… Spelling: Words from the book THe Valentine Ate My Teacher. test Friday ELA: We are reading THe Valentine That Ate My Teacher. Test upon completion. Math: Quiz Tuesday, Test Wed.Ch 6 Adding and...