by Antonia Ryan | Oct 10, 2021 | 2nd Grade – Mrs. Ryan
In the fading of the summer sun, The shortening of the days, cooling breeze, Swallows’ flight and moonlight rays We see the Creator’s hand In the browning of leaves once green, Morning mists, autumn chill Fruit that falls, frost’s first kiss We see the...
by Antonia Ryan | Oct 2, 2021 | 2nd Grade – Mrs. Ryan
In the fading of the summer sun, The shortening of the days, cooling breeze, Swallows’ flight and moonlight rays We see the Creator’s hand In the browning of leaves once green, Morning mists, autumn chill Fruit that falls, frost’s first kiss...
by Antonia Ryan | Sep 26, 2021 | 2nd Grade – Mrs. Ryan
Welcome to a new week in second grade! A new day, a new week, a new sunrise, a new blessing. Make the most of it and ENJOY YOUR DAY AND WEEK! Language Arts We will complete our novel study of the fictional story, Herbie Sails into Second Grade. This week...
by Antonia Ryan | Sep 18, 2021 | 2nd Grade – Mrs. Ryan
We had a fabulous beginning to the new school year! Here is where you will find what our focus will be for the new week ahead! Language Arts We have begun a novel study and are enjoying Herbie Sails into Second Grade together. We are touching upon key elements of a...
by Antonia Ryan | Sep 12, 2021 | 2nd Grade – Mrs. Ryan
Second grade is off to a great start! We welcome everyone back and are happy to announce two new second grade faces here at Trinity, Tylin and Madison! Everyone is acclimating to new routines and learning procedures. Over the last few days together, we spent time...
by Antonia Ryan | Jun 11, 2021 | 2nd Grade – Mrs. Ryan
It is hard to believe the school year is coming to a close. At school, we have had many conversations about this year and the memories we’ve made together. Each one of us was challenged in different ways but we continued to move forward, and, in the end, we...