Mrs. Forte’s Math News – Week of 4/4 to 4/8

Math 6 This week we are continuing our review for our test Algebraic expressions.  The test is on Tuesday, 4/5.  The remainder of the week will focus on learning how to add positive and negative numbers. Math 7 This week we are starting a new unit on probability.  We...

Mrs. Forte’s Math News – Week of 3/28 to 4/1

Math 6 This week we are continuing with our unit on Algebraic expressions.  This week we will do more practice with combining like terms.  There is a quiz on Wednesday, 3/30 on distrubuting, factoring, and combining like terms. Math 7 This week we are still working on...

Mrs. Forte’s Math News- Week of 3/14 to 3/18

Math 6 This week we are starting to explore algebra.  The students will be working on an in class project on the origins of Algebra on Monday and Tuesday.  The rest of the week will focus on evlauating expressions.  There are not any tests or quizzes this week. Math 7...

Mrs. Forte’s Math News- Week of 3/7 to 3/11

Math 6 This week we are starting to explore algebraic expressions.  We will learn about constans, coefficients, and variables.  We will then translate between words and expressions.  There will be a quiz on Friday, 3/11. Math 7 This week we are starting a new chapter...