Mrs. Skoch’s NOtes for the Week of September 21st

Welcome back to a fresh week here at Trinity! Time is already flying by, and some of the classes are even about to take their first tests this week. Here are the updates for each subject. 6th Social Studies On Tuesday, the students will take a quiz on the vocabulary...

Mrs. Skoch’s Updates for the Week of March 16

Dear Middle School Parents, I hope this finds each of you well. Please know that I am praying for all of the Trinity families everyday (especially those of you who cannot work from home!), and I look forward to the day when we will all see one another in person again....

Mrs. Skoch’s Notes for the Week of March 9th

Greetings! This week almost every class will be taking or preparing for a test this week, which will be the last before the end of the second trimester. Here are the updates. 6th Social Studies Last week I wrote that sixth grade would tentatively take their test on...