Mrs. Skoch’s Updates for the Week of December 6th

Hello, everyone! Here are the updates for this week. 6th Religion On Monday, we are finishing up the last lesson of Unit 2: Samson. The test on Unit 2 will be on Friday, December 10th. You may view the study guide here. 6th Social Studies In social studies this week,...

Mrs. Skoch’s Updates for the Week of November 22nd

A very happy Thanksgiving to all of you! Here are the updates for this short week. 6th Religion This week the students are working on designing a monument to honor God. This will tie in with our lesson on Joshua building a monument to honor God in the Old Testament....

Mrs. Skoch’s Updates for the Week of November 15th

Welcome back to a new week at Trinity! I really look forward to meeting with all of you during Parent Teacher Conferences on Thursday. Here are the updates for this week. 6th Religion In sixth grade we are still covering the Israelites journey to the Promised Land....