Week of 5/9/22-5/13/22

Hello Parents! Another week closer to warmer weather! Please continue to complete the daily attestations upon arrival. Also, it is very important to keep a close eye on our Classdojo! We post all important information on there along with any upcoming activities we...

Week of 5/2/22-5/6/22

Hello Parents! I hope everyone had a great weekend. The weeks are flying back and we are in the home stretch of the school year! As per Mrs. Leake, masks are not mandatory but still highly encouraged moving forward. Please continue to fill out the daily attestations...

Week of 4/25/22-4/29/22

Hello Parents! I hope everyone enjoyed the much-needed Spring break! Time is flying by and before we know it, it will be Summer! Trinity is still asking for all students and staff to continue to wear their mask until otherwise. Please also continue to fill out the...

Week of 4/11/22-4/15/22

Hello Parents! It was so great seeing everyone’s special person for our very first Special Person’s Day! The children and Mrs. Gonzalez and I had such a beautiful time. Unfortunately, for the next 3 days before break, we are asking all students and staff...

Week of 4/4/22-4/8/22

Hello Parents! Unfortunately the weather looks crummy for this upcoming week so we will be having indoor recess. Fingers cross this storm moves away and we move into warmer weather soon! Please also continue to fill out the daily attestations upon arrival. Reminder...