Week of 2/7/22-2/11/22

Hello Parents! We have some warmer weather in the forecast this week! Hopefully we will be able to go outside and enjoy it. Please continue to fill out the daily attestations upon arrival. Reminder: Valentine’s Day celebration will be held on Monday 2/14/22!...

Week of 1/31/22-2/4/22

Hello Parents! It’s been a cold and snowy weekend! I hope everyone was safe and warm. Before returning back to school this Monday, please continue to fill out the daily attestations upon arrival. It’s a great asset when staying on top of this unpredictable...

Week of 1/24/22-1/28/22

Hello Parents! I hope everyone is staying healthy during these unpredicted times. I look forward to seeing the children back in school on Tuesday! Please continue to fill out the daily attestations upon arrival. Important Reminders: Parent-Teacher conferences will be...

Week of 1/17/22-1/21/22

Hello Parents! It is super cold outside! Please continue to bring the proper outside attire for if/when we go outside. If the weather is above 40 degrees, we try and bring the children outside for a little fresh air and playground time. Please also continue to fill...

Week of 1/10/22-1/14/22

Hello Parents! What a wonderful snow day Friday was to kick start the month of January! I hop everyone stayed warm and cozy inside. Please remember to continue filling out the daily attestations upon arrival. We are continuing theme 4 “Awesome Animals” and...