by Ellen Kerwin | Sep 5, 2023 | Art - Mrs. Kerwin
Welcome to PreK & K-8 Art! Your child will be bringing home a Parent Information Sheet or Art Contract after his/her first day of art class. This sheet will outline important information your child will need to know for art class. *Grade 3-8 students will be...
by Ellen Kerwin | Jun 3, 2023 | Art - Mrs. Kerwin
The Last Two Weeks of Art I can’t believe it’s coming to an end….what a creative school year it has been in the Art Room! These last few days of art classes will be filled with finishing up projects and passing out projects from the entire school...
by Ellen Kerwin | May 19, 2023 | Art - Mrs. Kerwin
The Next Two Weeks in Art Our ECC classes will be finishing up this school year by making a bird’s nest out of paint and assorted assemblage materials. I wish all my ECC classes a fun Closing Program and enjoyable, safe Summer! Next week the Kindergarten class...
by Ellen Kerwin | May 12, 2023 | Art - Mrs. Kerwin
This Week in Art The ECC classes are looking forward to adding eyes, antennas and black spots onto the ladybugs they painted last week…they are so adorable! First Grade will use watercolors to paint red, white and blue stripes over the encaustic collages they...
by Ellen Kerwin | May 4, 2023 | Art - Mrs. Kerwin
This Week in Art Our ECC classes will be painting their Ladybug project this week after a lesson learning all about this cute little insect. Kindergarten will be learning about the abstract American artist Jackson Pollock. They will create an abstract style painting...
by Ellen Kerwin | Apr 28, 2023 | Art - Mrs. Kerwin
This Week in Art ~ The ECC classes will be learning about the dandelion flower. They will use a fork and Qtips to paint their own dandelion pictures. Kindergarten will finish up their Paper Sculpture Jungle Gyms. It has been really fun to see the class create swing...