by Susan Agosta | May 26, 2023 | ECC3 Nursery - Mrs. Agosta
Dear Parents, We had such a fun week watching some of our butterflies hatch! When they are all finished hatching, we will take them outside and release them. The children enjoyed a visit from Mrs. Seemangal’s boys, Jake and Ryan. They brought their robot...
by Susan Agosta | May 21, 2023 | ECC3 Nursery - Mrs. Agosta
Dear Parents, This was a great week learning all about rain forests and the Caribbean. This week coming up we will learn how to recognize and sound out the letter Bb for beach. The children will make and explore kinetic sand and seashells. We will also learn about...
by Susan Agosta | May 13, 2023 | ECC3 Nursery - Mrs. Agosta
Dear Parents, We had a great week getting ready for Mother’s Day and celebrating Special Person’s Day. The children were so happy seeing their loved ones and making crafts with their “special person.” This coming week the children will learn...
by Susan Agosta | May 7, 2023 | Default, ECC3 Nursery - Mrs. Agosta
Dear Parents, We had a great week learning about plants and how they grow. We also planted Lima beans and hope to see them growing within the next week. This upcoming week, we will be reviewing all of the letters we learned so far. For science the children will...
by Susan Agosta | Apr 30, 2023 | ECC3 Nursery - Mrs. Agosta
Dear Parents, We had a great week learning about the weather and how April showers bring May flowers. We discussed the type of clothing we should wear in the rain and some fun things we like to do in the rain. We also had fun singing songs about the rain. This week...