by Jamie Stainkamp | Sep 12, 2022 | 4th Grade - Ms. Stainkamp
Welcome to the first official full week of Fourth Grade!! This week we will be doing a variety of lessons and activities to start our school year off strong. Below you will find what we will be doing for each subject this week: ELA: This week we will start our first...
by Jamie Stainkamp | Jun 3, 2022 | 4th Grade - Ms. Stainkamp
We have an exciting week planned ahead ! I am excited to begin to wrap up an amazing school year with this incredible class!! It is hard to believe that this week is our last full week of school. With the weather becoming nicer, my hope is to spend as much time...
by Jamie Stainkamp | May 26, 2022 | 4th Grade - Ms. Stainkamp
We have an exciting week planned ahead! Please note that FieldDay will be held on Wednesday June 1st, and the PTFA Pincic will be held on Friday June 9th. I am excited to begin to wrap up an amazing school year with this incredible class!! This week we will be...
by Jamie Stainkamp | May 20, 2022 | 4th Grade - Ms. Stainkamp
We have an exciting week planned ahead! This week we will be focusing on the following topics in each subject listed below. As a reminder, school not in session from Thusday May 26th to May 30th. Enjoy the long weekend!! ELA- This week we will be finishing our class...
by Jamie Stainkamp | May 12, 2022 | 4th Grade - Ms. Stainkamp
We have an exciting week planned ahead! This week we will be focusing on the following topics in each subject listed below. ELA- This week we will be continuing our class read-aloud, Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing by Judy Blume. We will continue to work on...