Mrs. Forte’s Math News – Week of 10/9 -10/13

Math 6 This week we covering distrubuting and factoring numbers.  We will then review how to add and subtract fractions with like and unlike denominators.  There are not any quizzes this week.   Pre-Algebra This week we are continuing withscientific notation.  We...

Mrs. Forte’s Math News – Week of 10/2 to 10/6

Math 6 This week we are continuting with Greatest common factor and least common multiple.  We will then apply these concepts to word problems.  We will have a quiz on this topic on Friday, 10/6.   Pre-Algebra This week we are exploring scientific notation.  We...

Mrs. Forte’s Math News: Week of 9/18 – 9/22

Math 6 This week we are starting our next chapter on Rational Numbers.  We will be exploring how to interpret rational numbers, their opposites and absolute values. We will also be comparing, ordering, and classifying rational numbers.  We will be working on a...