by Ashley Todisco | Nov 5, 2023 | ECC5 Pre-K - Ms. Todisco
Hello Parents! Don’t forget to change your clocks this weekend! With that comes Winter right around the corner. Please continue to pack accordingly for your child, as we will continue to go outside as long as the weather is above 37 degrees. Important Upcoming...
by Ashley Todisco | Oct 29, 2023 | ECC5 Pre-K - Ms. Todisco
Hello Parents!! Happy almost Halloween!! With the changing weather, please pack your child accordingly as we will continue to go outside. This includes heavier jackets, hats, gloves and scarfs are encouraged. Also, a huge thank you again to all of the volunteers that...
by Ashley Todisco | Oct 22, 2023 | ECC5 Pre-K - Ms. Todisco
Hello Parents! I hope you all enjoyed another long weekend! Mrs. Maldonado and I loved spending time with you all at the farm! Seeing the children so happy was such a beautiful blessing! We look forward to more activities in the future. Keep aa close eye out on our...
by Ashley Todisco | Oct 15, 2023 | ECC5 Pre-K - Ms. Todisco
Hello Parents! I hope you all had a great weekend! The weather is dropping fast and it has been significantly colder. Please continue to still pack your child with the appropriate clothing. We will continue to go outside as long as the weather permits. Important...
by Ashley Todisco | Oct 8, 2023 | ECC5 Pre-K - Ms. Todisco
Hello Parents! I hope everyone enjoyed the much needed, long weekend! At least we were able to see a little bit of nicer weather towards the end of the weekend. Important Upcoming Dates: 1. October 9th – No School for Columbus Day 2. October 19th – Field trip to...