Jesus Time– Prayer

Jesus’ friends asked: “Lord, Teach us to Pray.” We are learning to pray anywhere, anytime and in any position. We are following the A C T S.                 A = Praise and Adoration,  C = Confession ( saying sorry), T = Thanksgiving, S = Supplication ( asking).  We are learning the Lord’s Prayer.

Social Studies:   Foods.  This week it’s Fruit – Orchard, Citrus, Berries, Vines and Plantation. We need the vitamins and pulp to stay healthy.

Art: Purple finger painting, prayer pillows, fruit book, watercolor rainbows and prayer necklaces.

Letters and Sounds:  “F f” ( angry cat sound). Stories: Frog Prince, Ferdinand, Franklin stories and Foot Book.  AJ, Kailyn , Theodore and Athu had the F bucket for Show and Tell. The puppet, Friendly Frog, came for a visit.

Language Arts: Celebrating Dr. Seuss’ birthday.

Music: Instruments of the orchestra.  Books- The Maestro Plays, Zin Zin the Violin, and Ben’s Trumpet. We completed our artwork of Peter and the Wolf.

DVD:  Peter and the Wolf starring the cast of Sesame Street.

Math: Patterning and Sequencing with cube blocks and parquetry blocks.

Up and Coming:  Jump for the Heart, St. Patrick’s Day party and Wild West Show on March 26, 2014.