Happy New Year!  I hope that all of the 4th grade families had a wonderful Christmas and a delightful holiday vacation.  I know the students will be ready to get back to work this week.  We are starting many new topics in our academic subject areas.  It is important to remind the students to make schoolwork and studying a priority.  Putting forth their best effort will surely show great results!  Please contact me if you see your child struggling at home or have any questions about their progress.

Week of: January 5-9

Spelling:  rising, traced, stripped, slammed, dancing, striped, winning, snapping, bragging, handled, dripped, begged, dared, skipped, hitting, spotted, raced, dimmed, spinning, escaped Challenge Words: urged, striving, whipped, breathing, quizzed

Reading Vocabulary:  trembles, wreckage, slab, possessions, crushing, rubble, debris, timbers, constructed

Reading:  “The Earth Dragon Awakes”; “Twisters”; synonyms

Grammar:  Possessive nouns

Writing:   Opinion writing, New Year’s Resolutions

Math: Chapter 5 Factors, Multiples, and Patterns

Science:  Chapter 7, Hurricanes and Tornadoes; Lesson 1 What Are Hurricanes?

Social Studies:  Chapter 3, Europeans Explore New York, Lesson 1 Looking for New Routes

Religion: daily devotions


  • Friday –  Spelling; Reading

Important News:

  • Math Extra Help THURSDAY at 7:45 am.
  • Please be sure to check your child’s planner and take home folder each night for important assignments and information.
  • Note that there will be a new weekly Spelling assignment packet beginning this week.

This week’s Prayer Video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNVu802SymM

Words to Live by This Week:  Coming together is a beginning.  Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. – Henry Ford