I hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather!
The Middle School Physical Education classes as well as the fifth grade are taking advantage of the amazing weather while we start the school year off with our soccer unit. The classes have learned the skills of passing, dribbling, and trapping. We then are incorporating the learned skills as we play some games practicing specific skills.
This week we are playing a game called soccer baseball. This game uses many rules of baseball while using our soccer skills. We will also go over the positions of soccer this week and play some small sided games. Hopefully the weather will continue to cooperate so we can use the field outside.
The elementary school physical education classes are playing games concentrating on personal space and general space. We have also started the school year by playing some fitness games. The third and fourth graders played a game where we tried to incorporate some math skills! We will continue to use some fun games as we learn specific skills.
Have a great week.