Dear Parents,
Happy Veterans Day and to those who have served in your family, we thank them for their service. We had a few visitors in our classroom last week which was so much fun. Thank you to Sophia’s parents and Connor’s parents for joining our class as mystery readers and reading a book to us. Thank you also to Dev’s parents for coming in and teaching us about Diwali. We introduced our class library on Thursday and Friday, teaching the children about going to the library and borrowing/returning books. Going forward, children will borrow books on Thursdays and Fridays (depending on when they attend class, and return them the following week. All books borrowed last Thursday and Friday are due on Thursday the 14th and Friday the 15th.
We have a fun week ahead of us. We will be learning about our community and the people who work in our communities such as firefighters, police officers, doctors, and teachers. Dev’s mom will be our mystery reader on Tuesday and she will also talk to us about what it means to be a doctor. On Friday, firefighters from the Hicksville Fire Department will visit our school to teach us about fire safety and what it means to be a firefighter. We will learn the letter “C” for community and the children will learn how to recognize it, sound out it, and trace it. We will read various books about different community workers and our scholastic reader this week will be about fire safety, fire trucks, and firefighters.
Due to unforeseen events last week, we did not get to go on our leaf hunt to finish our leaf crafts, but we will do it this week. In addition to our leaf craft, we will work on some exciting crafts in preparation for Thanksgiving. We will learn about the color blue this week and do an experiment to see that the colors blue and yellow make green. We will review all the shapes and numbers we’ve practiced so far and play number and shape BINGO. During centers, the children will continue to practice tracing and cutting scrap paper to strengthen their cutting skills and they will continue to play with our fall sensory bin filled with leaves, acorns, and other fall items.
For religion we will learn about the birth of John and we will continue to learn our Thank You God prayer:
Thank You God
Thank you God for this new day,
in my school to work and pray.
Please be with me all day long,
in every story, game and song.
May all the happy things we do,
Make you, our Father, happy too.
Important upcoming dates and reminders:
~ Wednesday, November 27th – Schoolwide Thanksgiving Feast (details will be sent home on Tuesday so please look for it in your child’s bag)
~ Thursday and Friday, November 28th and 29th: NO SCHOOL – Closed for Thanksgiving
~ Please remember to label every article of clothing and supplies that you send in with your child.
~ Please remember to empty your child’s folder each day.
Have a Blessed Day!
Miss Seleena and Miss Nicole