Dear Parents,
It was very nice seeing you during parent teacher conferences. I hope you enjoyed being in our classroom and I hope you took a minute to take in the amazing work the kids have done.
Please join me in welcoming Ms. Ava Kelly to ECC2 as the class teacher assistant. We are thrilled to have her join us and we know that Miss Ava will be a great addition to our class.
This past week we learned about animals that live in the arctic and we talked about Martin Luther King. We also learned about the winter weather and we made winter hats and winter gloves. The class started riding tricycles in the MPR and they will be pros in no time.
This week we will learn about hibernation. We will talk about animals who go to sleep in the winter and we will specifically focus on bears. We will read stories about animals who hibernate, learn songs about hibernation, and read and work on a scholastic reader about animals that hibernate. We will continue to talk about Martin Lutheran King and his contribution to our history. This week we will resume learning a letter a week. The letter for this week will be “M”. The children will learn to recognize, trace, and sound out the letter “M”. We will continue working on numbers and shapes as we introduce a new project called “My Number Book”. For religion, the children will learn about the baptism of Jesus. We will continue saying our January prayer: “A, B, C, D, E, F, G, Thank you, Lord, for feeding me. H, I, J, K, L, M, N, Thank you, Lord, for being my friend. Amen.”
We will have library on Wednesday, January 22nd and for the children who don’t come on Wednesdays, they will get a book on Thursday. The books will be due back the following Wednesday/Thursday. We will also resume our weekly Mystery Readers. If you would like to be a Mystery Reader, look out for the post on Class Dojo to sign up.
Have a great week!
Here are some important upcoming dates and reminders:
~ January 27th to January 31st: Lutheran School’s Association Week – Theme Week; details will be sent home
~ February 12th: ECC2 Valentine’s Day Party and Love Day (all ECC2 students are invited to attend – full for full day and half for half day)
~ February 14th: ECC Red Day
~ February 17th – February 21st: Winter break, no school
Have a Blessed Day!
Miss Seleena and Miss Ava