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This week we began our unit on the 5 senses.  The children learned about about smell and sight.  They were able to smell things such as lemons, garlic, and cinnamon.  They also learned they are able to see things with their eyes such as the sun, clouds, and airplanes.

During Jesus time this week we learned about how special we all are and how He created us with both a nose and two eyes.

The books we have read this week are Nosey Rosie by Holly Keller,  I Stink! by Jim McMullen and Kate McMullen, and Look at Your Eyes by Paul Showers.

Please make sure to check all forms and notices that go home.  This week the permission slip went home for the pumpkin farm.  Please return the form and money as soon as possible.  Thanks!!

Have a great week and God bless.