Hi Parents! I hope everyone enjoyed the long Memorial Day weekend. The weather was so beautiful and it’s starting to feel like Summer! Days are flying by so please keep a close eye out on our ClassDojo for dates and reminders. We only have about 9 days left of school (not counting our Graduation program!).
We will continue sending home items that are not being used. Please send in a large shopping bag by Monday, June 3rd!!
Important Dates –
- ECC Annual Family Picnic – May 31st
- Pre-K Graduation and Last Day of School – June 11th (more details to come)
We are continuing Theme 8 and starting Unit 3 “I Can Do It!”. BIG Idea: I always try my best. Knowledge Focus: Children reflect on all the ways they have grown and changed during the year. Social-Emotional Focus: Persistence. The theme vocabulary words include: finish, goal and quit. Math vocabulary words include: left and take away.
We are continuing to review letters A-Z, numbers 1-20, shapes, colors, counting by 10’s and sight words! We will be reading the books “Leo The Late Bloomer”, “The Little Engine That Could” and “Read and Rise”.
This week’s focus is birds and dinosaurs! We will be learning about how they live/lived and what they eat/ate. For dinosaurs, we will be focusing on the words carnivore, herbivore and omnivore.
For Jesus Time, we will be practicing our Graduation songs and reciting The Lord’s Prayer. We will continue to pray before snack and lunch.
Computers: Monday from 10:00 – 10:30
Gym: Tuesday from 9:15 – 9:45
Library: Thursday from 9:15 – 9:45
Art: Thursday from 10:00 – 10:37
I will be sending homework packets out on Tuesday which will be due the following Monday. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please reach out to me on our Class Dojo app or via email at [email protected]. All communications from me will be posted on Class Dojo. I will be posting more in-depth explanations of our weekly via blogs weekly. If you are reading this blog, send me a bird emoji via classdojo!
Have a wonderful week!😊