I hope everyone had a great weekend and enjoyed the nice weather!
Joke of the week: How did Benjamin Franklin feel after discovering electricity?
Language Arts- This week we will complete Unit 4 of our Journey’s series, lesson 20. Our essential question is, What do scientists do when they discover something new? We will read, Duck & Goose, Curious George’s Dinosaur Discovery, and Exploring Land and Water. As we read the stories we will focus on sequence of events, conclusions, and visualizing. We will be reviewing all our sight words from Unit 4 including: of, so, many, where, from, came, but, is, how, find. this, on, into, that, your ,who, here, they, will, be, go, for, soon, up. We will also review the long and short sounds for the vowels e and i. In grammar, we will discuss Verbs in the past, present, and future tense and discuss synonyms. Lastly, we will continue to write and create and copy sentences using our sight words and some larger words.
This weeks language arts centers will focus on sight words, CVC words, writing sentences around the room.
Math- In math we will continue working on Chapter 9- Identify and Describe Two-Dimensional Shapes. So far we have learned about circles, and squares, triangles, and rectangles; this week we will focus on hexagons and comparing shapes and understanding how they are alike and different!
Math Centers- This weeks math centers will involve 2D shapes.
Jesus Time- We will continue to read our Children’s Beginner Bible Stories, we love reading this book and have just entered the New Testament! After each story the children look forward to watching a video pertaining to the story we read and connecting what we read to the video!
Science: This week we will be discussing scientists and we will use the website Mystery Science to understand and explore different types of science.
Answer: Shocked!
Reminder there is no school on Friday, due to a Professional Development Day for teachers.
Have a wonderful week!