Hello Parents! Time just keeps flying by! Before we know it, it will be Spring and I am very excited for some warm weather. I hope everyone enjoyed their break.

We are continuing with theme 5 “Imagine It, Make It” and starting unit 3 called “Things We Build”. BIG Idea: I can use different materials to make new things. Knowledge Focus: Children learn how imagination and creativity shape our world. Social-Emotional focus: Initiative. The theme vocabulary words include: construct, invention, materials and plan. Math vocabulary words include: flip, rotate, structure, taller and wider.

We will be learning the letter Ss and start to review numbers. We will be reading the books “The Three Little Pigs”, “White Rabbit’s Color Book” and “Buildings”. We will read the Dental Health Scholastic weekly reader book because February is Dental Health month. We will also be reading books about Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks and their impact they had on society for Black History month.

For Jesus time, we will be discussing how Jesus feeds 5,000, the topic of Lent and start learning the Lord’s Prayer.

As a class craft, the children will be doing S is for Star. They will be sticking on stickers of stars for their ABC book.  We will also be doing a dental health craft.

February is also Black History Month. We will be learning about different black authors and famous black people in history. We will read a Weekly Reader about Black History Month later on this month.


Art: Wednesday from 10:30-11

Gym: Wednesday from 12:50-1:10

Critter Room: Every other Friday 9:30-9:45

Upcoming Important Dates:

Tuesday, March 2nd – Read Across America

Friday, March 12th – No School, Professional Development Day

Wednesday, March 17th – ECC Wear Green Day

I will be sending home homework packets on Monday which will be due back the following Monday. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please reach out to me on our Class Dojo app or via email at [email protected]. All communications from me will be posted on Class Dojo.

Have a wonderful week! ?