I hope everyone enjoyed the nice weather this weekend!
Joke of the week: What happens to a frog’s car when it breaks down?
Language Arts- This week we will begin our seventh lesson in our Journey’s series. We will be opening our lessons by blending words, I will blend the sounds to say the word. For example, /j/ /am/ equals jam. We will also learn our newest sight word, “we” and “me”, learn more vocabulary, and review the sounds for letter Tt. Our topic for the week is how animals and people communicate, and our essential question is: How do animals communicate? & How do people communicate? We will read stories such as Amelia’s Show-and-Tell Fiesta, Mice Squeak, We Speak, and The Fort Worth Zoo. As we read our stories this week we will focus on understanding characters, author’s word choice, and analyzing the text. In grammar we will continue to learn about sensory words, such as red, hot, salty, hard, etc. Authors use these words to help us know how things look, sounds, taste, smell, or feel.
Language Arts Centers- This weeks center topics are: beginning sounds, rhyming, and syllables.
Math- This week we will begin Chapter 4, Represent and Count Numbers Up to 10.
Jesus Time- We will continue to read Ms. Vollono’s Bible about Moses and the amazing things he did throughout his life!
Science: This week we read our November Scholastics on Veteran’s Day!
Answer: It gets toad away!