Hello Parents! It is officially hat, glove and scarf weather! I am for sure going to miss the warm sun. We are still going to go outside if the weather permits so please continue to send in the proper attire for your child. Please also continue to fill out the daily attestation upon arrival.

Important Reminders:

December 8th  – $6 cash and 12 inch. holiday gift bag due!

December 9th – Christmas Concert at 11 am. Details to follow on ClassDojo.

December 15th – Happy Birthday Jesus Party and layette item due.

December 17th – ECC Christmas celebration with Santa, hot coco and a movie!

We are going to take a pause from our Big Day curriculum for the month of December. This month we will be getting into the holiday spirit! This Sunday is the first night of Advent! We will be “lighting” our first advent candle in school.

We will be learning the letter Ii and review numbers 1-10, colors and shapes. We will be reading two different Gingerbread stories and compare the two using a Venn diagram. We will create I is for Igloo craft for our ABC book.

We will also start assembling various holiday crafts and gifts that will be send home at the end of December.

For Jesus time, we will start a new December prayer which is taken from the song Away In A Manger. The prayer goes as follows: “Be near me Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to stay, close by me forever and love me I pray. Bless all the dear children in Your tender care, and take us to Heaven to live with Thee there.” Lastly, Mrs. Gonzalez will teach the children about the Angels visiting Mary.b


Chapel: Every other Wednesday at 9:30

Art: Wednesday from 10:40 – 11:20

Gym: Thursday from 9:57 – 10:37

I will be sending home homework packets on Monday which will be due back the following Monday. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please reach out to me on our Class Dojo app or via email at [email protected]. All communications from me will be posted on Class Dojo.

Have a wonderful week!