Heres’ what is going on…
Spelling: Prefixes in,un,dis,mis..test Friday
ELA: reading:’Rachel’s Journal” Comprehension and vocabulary test Friday
gramma: comparative and superlative adjectives, compartative and superlative adverbs…test Friday
writing: Opinion wiritng: Response Essay
Bible: How did all things come to be? What do angels do?
Verse test May 25th: Proverbs 19:22:
Character education word: courtesy.
S.S.: The Changing West: test Tuesday,5/17. Foldable graded as a classwork grade. We are reading a historical novel titled ‘Sing Down the Moon’. Ask your child about it.
Science: Ch 16:Stars and Galaxies: test Wed.5/18. Ch 17:Earth and Space. We will be doing an activity looking at the phases of the moon using oreo cookies. Educational and yummy!
Math: We have begun the last section in the Go Math series for our grade. This section is titled: Getting Ready for Sixth Grade. It consists of 20 brief lessons on topics that are explored deaper in sixth grade. There is a checkpoint after lessons 6,11,14,and 20. We will be taking a practice final and a final exam in June.
During the month of May we are having a JAR WARS contest with the seventh grade. Both classes are collecting change to be donated to the Hicksville United Methodist Food pantry. The class that brings in the most change wins bragging rights!!
Philadelphia trip: Thursday, May 26th. Be at Trinity at 6:45am. SHARP. Information has gone home in your child’s work back Wednesday folder. We are going to have a great day!!
This week I have been thinking about this verse:
Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weekness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himslef intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. Romans 8:26
Two things strike me as a read this verse. One is that the Holy Spirit intercedes for me when I pray. To do this, God must be listening. My faith in the idea that God is indead listening is strengthened by that thought. The second is the idea that the Holy Spirit actually gets involved with my prayers on my behalf and takes them to His Father. Wow. This reinforces the idea that God is a loving,caring, God who desires a personal relationship with eah of us. The Spirit intercedes even at those times when I have trouble putting my thoughts into words for God to hear. Amazing. I hope this has encouraged you in some small way.
Mrs. Lively