Koinonia: Learning as a Community

Trinity seventh graders and chaperones began the journey to Koinonia with anticipation.  The students had heard about the retreat from the eighth graders who were there last year:  some positive details, some “facts” purposely laced with inaccuracies!  Regardless, the journey began on a positive note with lots of excitement.  Many of the children were just glad to be with friends.  In a way, this is what Koinonia is all about: community.  In fact, koinonia is Greek for community.  While we were there we prayed, explored and enjoyed nature, and learned as a community.  Koinonia is situated in Highland Lake on 1200 acres of forest and lakes.  The administrators, Paul and Carol Hinderlie and Tom Ahlstrom, consider the retreat their mission in life.   Koinonia is a quiet place where you can see and feel the greatness of God’s creation.  It is a place far, far away from television, cell phones and the Internet. Koinonia is about living in the moment and getting in touch with God and each other.

After our bus entered the autumn enhanced grounds, we were directed to our cabins.  The girls, luggage in hand, went in one direction to the Trail Building, and the boys in another, to the Lakeside Cabin.  We ate lunch, unpacked and walked to the Community Center.  The students met the counselors and discussed what they would be doing over the course of their stay.  Tom explained that they “own” a share in Koinonia. This helped to build a sense of community.  We were put into groups to begin our adventure in the woods.  We first studied the various soil components in the park.  Next, we walked on the trail to the lake and tested three different soil samples.  As we walked, Maggie our counselor, told us of the various animals living at Koinonia.

We headed back to the Community Center and prepared for dinner.  We said grace and were called to the kitchen to receive our food.  The meals at Koinonia are one of the kids’ favorite memories.  They are delicious, healthy and plentiful, for everyone is welcomed back for seconds and thirds! Afterward, we cleaned up, had some free time, and then assembled for news and prayer service. Both activities are enjoyable and enthusiastically led by the students.  Surprisingly, the most timid students seem to come alive for this part of the retreat!  Later, our eyes adapted to the darkness and our ears to the sounds of the forest while we traveled in the dark to the bonfire. Gazing upward, framed in the canopy of trees one could see the dark sky lit by the twinkling stars.  Up ahead in the clearing, the fire produced a welcoming glow in the brisk night air.  The kids sang funny and spiritual songs while sitting close to the fire and becoming one with nature.

There were many other activities we enjoyed at Koinonia, the nighttime hayride, the homemade ice cream to name a few.  However, perhaps the most memorable aspect for the students will be the time spent with friends as a prayerful community outside of the classroom and in God’s awesome design.

Mrs. Sandra Saitta

7th Grade Language Arts Teacher

PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES – Sign-ups electronically (PTC.TrinityLI.org) are still available for scheduling your Parent-Teacher conference appointments. Please call the front office if you have any questions. First quarter report cards are being mailed home today. Please bring your child’s report card with you to assist with your conference. Conference hours are: 9:00-11:30 am, 1 pm – 4:30 pm, and 6 – 8 pm. Also, please remember school will be closed Thursday for students in grades K-8.

PIZZA ALERT!!  Since school will be closed Thursday this week, pizza envelopes will be due Wednesday, November 20th. Please be certain your child’s envelope is turned in no later than Wednesday so that an accurate accounting can be made in ordering Friday’s pizza.  Thank you for your cooperation.

DECEMBER LUNCH MENUS will go home this week and must be completed and turned in by Tuesday, November 26.  Look for a possible change in lunch ordering procedure for the new year.

THANKSGIVING FEAST – Trinity’s annual school-wide Thanksgiving Feast will be held Tuesday, November 26th. Ms. Marcia, our lunch caterer, will provide the food, with our students having a choice of turkey or chicken nuggets with all the trimmings. Please be certain your child has responded to the flyer sent home regarding his/her preference for an entrée: chicken nuggets or turkey with all the trimmings.

BARNES & NOBLE BOOKFAIR is coming up! Please join us from 11 am – 3 pm at Barnes & Noble Book Store, 91 Old Country Road, Carle Place, on Saturday, December 7. While supporting Trinity, your Christmas shopping is made easier for you and you’ll have an opportunity to enjoy Trinity’s art display and musical interludes. Flyers are going home today, including an opportunity to participate in a raffle for a NOOK Glowlight.

E-MAIL ADDRESS ALERT!!! This school year Trinity has depended on email to spread important messages to our families. In order to keep everyone informed, we desperately need your address! If you are not one of our email blast families, you will not be informed as best as you can be. Please send in your email address today!

LOST AND  FOUND – Our Lost and Found Boutique is overflowing with unidentified items. All items will be hanging up in the front hallway on Thursday for your perusal. All school uniforms still unclaimed by Thursday evening will be sold with used uniforms and unclaimed personal items will be given away. Please claim your possessions!

LU HI APPLICATIONS – If you intend to apply for ninth grade at Lu Hi, the application should be submitted to them immediately as they are working on their classes for next year at this time. Our eighth graders were given the opportunity to take the Lu Hi entrance exam at Trinity but must still apply to the high school on their own. Any questions should be addressed to Lu Hi at 516-626-1700.

Tues., 11/19     Last day for Reading/Writing Class; pick-up 4 pm
Tues., 11/19     Peer Tutoring; pick-up 4 pm
Wed., 11/20    Yearbook Committee Meeting; pick-up 4 pm

All other after school programs have finished  at this time.


Girls Varsity Basketball:
Wed. 11/20     Practice – 4:15; pick-up – 5:30 pm

Boys Varsity Basketball:
Wed. 11/20     Practice – 3:00; pick-up – 4:15 pm

Girls JV Basketball:
Tues. 11/19      Practice – 4:15; pick-up – 5:30 pm

Boys JV Basketball:
Tues., 11/19     Practice – 3:00; pick-up – 4:15 pm