News from Kindergarten

John 6:35   “I am the bread of life,” Jesus told them. “He who comes to me will never be hungry; he who believes in me will never be thirsty.”

Although Thanksgiving has passed, and we are tucking away our kindergarten decorations and sending home our Thanksgiving projects, we should continue to show our thankfulness to our Lord.

The kindergarten classes showed their appreciation to their families whom God sent to care for them, by baking individual loaves of cranberry-nut bread. This bread, which was prepared by each child, was sent home with a card containing the following poem:


A thank-you bread I baked for you,

For all the caring things you do.

And at Thanksgiving I just want to say,

I’m thankful to God, who sent you my way.

What better way to thank our Lord than to start by thanking our families. Jesus, however, in John 6:35 was not speaking of earthly bread to nourish our bodies. He spoke of himself as the “bread of life”, for only through Him can we be spiritually fed, nourished, and saved, if we believe! How extraordinary that this passage is perfect for the season we are preparing for now – Christmas. In Advent we prepare our hearts for the baby Jesus, “the bread of life”.

The kindergarten classes wish you all a most blessed Christmas. Keep your hearts focused on the Christ Child, the one God sent to be our Savior and King!

began last Tuesday with the Kindergarten through grade 3 Christmas musical performance of “The Backward Christmas Pageant” and will continue this week with two more Christmas programs. On Thursday evening, December 12th, at 7:00 pm, the Middle School Symphonic Band, Orchestra and Jazz Band will perform Christmas music. Next Tuesday evening, December 17th at 7:00 pm, the 5th and 6th grades Concert Band and the Middle School Chorus will perform. A highlight of Tuesday’s program is the story of the birth of the Christ Child as told by our 4th and 5th graders in “Shobi Shares a Miracle”. We hope you will be able to attend one or both of these upcoming musical presentations. What wonderful opportunities to enjoy the many musical talents of Trinity’s students!

SANTA SHOP – This past Wednesday and Thursday students were able to purchase inexpensive gifts for friends and family at our annual Santa Shop Boutique. Many thanks to all the parent elves who helped the students with their choices, especially our first-time Pre-K students.

BARNES & NOBLE BOOK FAIR was a great success. If you were unable to attend and enjoy the musical interludes of our students, you may still purchase books online through December 10th by entering Bookfair ID 11213469 at checkout. As you are aware, a percentage of all our purchases comes back to our school. Congratulations to our Nook Raffle winner: Brianna Jules (4AA). Keep on reading lots of books!

PHOTO RETAKES  will take place on Wednesday, December 11th. If you wish your child to have retakes , the original package of photos must be brought back to school in its entirety. If your child was absent and you want to have photos taken, please call the school office and we’ll provide a form.

JANUARY LUNCH MENUS will be going home this week. Kindly read the accompanying letter explaining how payment for lunch will now be handled beginning in January.

SAVE THE DATE: PTFA Board Meeting –  January 16 at 7:30 pm. All in attendance will be entered in a raffle for end of year drawing for a choice of: one free week at Trinity’s Celebrate Summer Camp or one of Mrs. Heigl’s famous cheesecakes.

K-5 MOVIE NIGHT with pajamas and ice cream! Date: January 24 at 7 pm. Details to follow.

GENTLY — USED UNIFORMS  will be sold before the December 17th Christmas Concert (6:30-7 pm)

Tues., 12/10     Peer tutoring; pick-up 4:00 pm
Wed., 12/11    Yearbook Committee Meeting; pick-up 4:00 pm
Thurs., 12/12   Cherub Choir; pick-up 4:00 pm
Thurs., 12/12   Christmas Concert (orchestra, Grades 7 & 8 Symphonic Band, Jazz Band), 7 pm
Fri. 12/13         ECC Christmas Programs
Fri., 12/13        Kindergarten Christmas Luncheon, 12 noon – 2 pm


Dance Team
Tues., 12/10     Practice
Wed., 12/11    Game performance; pick-up  5:30 pm

Girls JV Basketball
Wed., 12/11    Practice; pick-up 4:00 pm

Girls Varsity Basketball
Mon., 12/9       Practice; pick-up 5:30 pm
Tues., 12/10     Game (H); pick-up 5:30 pm
Fri. 12/13         Practice; pick-up 5:30 pm

Boys JV Basketball
Tues., 12/10     Practice; pick-up 4:00 pm

Boys Varsity Basketball
Wed., 12/11    Game (H); pick-up 5:30 pm
Fri., 12/13        Practice; pick-up 4:15 pm