Trinity’s students come from all different towns and school districts.  We are not a neighborhood school, yet if you look inside each classroom you see a community. 


Our students have a way of joining together through their love of learning and their love of Christ, to form a bond that transcends any city boundary lines on a map. 


Parents make sacrifices and travel distances to be a part of the Trinity community, which they have chosen for their child’s education. 


The teachers at Trinity come from all over to be a part of this community and spend countless hours planning and preparing for daily lessons. 


As in any community, the opportunity for growth and development is right at our fingertips.  I embrace these opportunities everyday in my 4th grade classroom by teaching the students that life is about working hard and being the person that God wants you to be.  I encourage my students to bring all they have to offer to our lessons and discussions.  My class is learning new things each day and learning more about themselves in the process.  This 4th grade “neighborhood” is growing in their experiences and I’m proud to be a part of it. 


Let’s all take advantage of each day and each opportunity to help and support one another as this Trinity community grows in teaching and learning through FAITH.


In His name,

Karen Sanders

Grade 4 Teacher

We have a new addition to the Trinity family.  Mrs. Jennifer Gallo, our 5AA teacher,  gave birth to a healthy baby girl on March 12. Sophia Gallo came into the world at 10:46 pm weighing in at 9lbs. 3 oz.  Congratulations to the Gallo family on their new arrival!!
Applebee’s Fundraiser – March 14 is Sold Out!!  Hopefully we will get to do it again in the future.
Lunch Menus – are due each month.  Please make sure your child has their menu turned in on time.  Ms. Marci needs the menus so she can get a count of how many lunches she needs to make.  If no menu is turned in, please make sure your child has their lunch every day.  Also, please make sure your child has lunch money if they are buying lunch. 
Pizza Envelopes go home on Monday and are due backon Thursday.  The pizza is counted by the slice, not by the pie, so it is important to have the envelopes in so we can get a count of how many pies to order.

Dear Parents,

During this past February recess from school, Trinity hosted its first ever Winter Mini-Program. This event

was such a great success we are going to offer it again during the Easter Break from April 6th – 10th.

The program would be similar to our Celebrate Summer program which has been tremendously

successful. Our goals are simple: children will have fun, make new friendships, and try new things in a safe and

caring environment. A typical day might include planting in the Community Garden, Art & Crafts , making

kites, science experiments, a specialty class, fun with food, sports activities, and organized games. This is a

great option for working parents or for families looking for an active day of fun and entertaining supervised


The Program is open to our Trinity students as well as other students in the community in Nursery

through Grade 5. If you or someone you know may be interested, please register early as space is limited! 

Call the office for more information.  Deadline is March 27th

Mom’s Bible Study

The Bible study for moms meets the 2nd and 4thThursday of every month. The next few are: 3/12, 3/26, (skip 4/9 for Easter break), 4/23, 5/14, 5/28. We meet at 7p for mom chit-chat and 7:30 we start our meeting. It’s always in the staff lounge

Join us for Celebrate Summer 2015!

June 29 – August 21  Ages 3-11
You choose the weeks.  You choose the days.  We do the rest! 
For additional information please contact,
Mrs. Heigl by phone at 931-2211 Ext. 5 or by email[email protected].
Our Funds4Books campaign has been extended to March 31. Please consider making a donation. No amount is too small and 100% of your donation goes to our library. Help us reach our goal of $1000. Donating is easy. Visit and enter code a7b7 to view Trinity’s library web page.
Middle School Dance is scheduled for Friday, March 20th from 7-9pm.  Prepaid tickets must be purchased by March 17.  The cost is $12.00 in advance or $15.00 at the door.  The cost of the admission includes a choice of Popcorn Chicken with Fries or Hot dog with fries, drink and dessert.  This a fundraising event to raise money for the Athletic Department and Critter room renovations.  Flyers will be going home shortly.
Back by popular demand is the ECC Circus.  Our Nursery and Pre-K will be showcasing their circus talents for us onWednesday, March 18 and Thursday, March 19th at 9:15 both days. 
Dear Students, Parents,Faculty and Staff,
Thank you ever so much for all of your heart felt love and support for the charity book signing and reading event. I enjoyed reading my book , “The Adventures of Magic Marie to you and hope you did too!
A special thank you also goes out to Mrs. Eileen Heigl for all of her help in organizing and promoting this event.
I will be visiting the school again on March 24th for Career Day. I hope to see you all again!
Keep reading, and remember that God has a plan for each one of you.
God loves you and so do I.
In peace, friendship and love,
Christine Leone
Upcoming Activities
Monday March 16
3-5:15 Bowling
Tuesday, March 17
PTFA Bookfair
GREEN DAY – Non Uniform, Students may wear something Green for St. Patrick’s day
3-4 Peer Tutoring
3-5 Drama Rehearsal (only select students with certain scenes, check with your child)
Wednesday March 18
PTFA Bookfair
ECC Circus 9:15
3-4 Writing
3-4 Legos
3-4 Film
3-4 Critter Club
3-4 Photography
ThursdayMarch 19
PTFA Bookfair
Grade 6 to Medieval Times
ECC Circus 9:15
3-3:45 NJHS Meeting in Ms. McGill’s room
3-4 Cherub Choir
3-4 Sounds of Praise
3-5 Drama Rehearsal (only select students with certain scenes, check with your child)
Friday, March 20
No School – Professional Development Day
7-9pm Middle School Dance, Multi Purpose Room

Softball & Lacrosse: Please get permission slips (availableMonday) signed and handed in ASAP