June 9, 2014

As we approach the end of yet another school year, I would like to take the opportunity to thank you all for your help and support this year. We have had another very busy and successful year in school. This year has been full of learning, laughter, amazing activities, challenges, and growth.


This is an exciting time of the year as we look forward to several end of the year programs, our yearly Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten moving up ceremonies and Grade 8 commencement programs.


I would like to say well done to all of our students.  They have worked very hard throughout the year.  They have tried to do their best at all times and have impressed teachers and parents alike with their efforts and achievements.


Thank you to our parents and families for your support to the school over the year.  We are blessed with a caring and supportive community that enables us to realize the educational goals we have for your children.  We really appreciate such a positive partnership between home and school.


Thank you to our wonderful teachers for the stimulating programs you have presented to our children and for the individual care you have taken with each child in your class.


Thank you to the staff members who are moving.  We wish every one of you the very best as you begin a new journey in life and truly appreciate your dedicated years of service.


Thank you also to our school board for all your efforts over the year.  Your positive guidance and support ensure that our school gets better and stronger each year.


Our prayers are with the parents and children leaving us. We have loved having each and every one of you at Trinity Lutheran School.


Finally, I would also like to congratulate all of our graduates and wish them the best of luck in the future.  We hope everyone has a restful and revitalizing summer vacation.


In His Service,

Mrs. Denise Simone


GIVING BACK ASSEMBLY last Friday was a wonderful way for our students to share what their class has done for their chosen charity throughout the school year. The assembly demonstrated to students what a difference can be made by each and everyone of them by their efforts to help those less fortunate.  This lesson is well learned by our students and all who assist them in their pursuits.

THE CARNIVAL IS COMING!  This Thursday, June 12, through Sunday, June 15, Trinity Church will be hosting a Family Carnival in the municipal lot adjacent to the school. There will be rides, food, games and entertainment. Individual ride tickets and wrist band unlimited ride tickets are both available. Kindly inquire at the school office or church office about tickets.

FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS – Please make certain that your financial obligations have all been met so that your child’s report card and any request for transfer records will not have to be withheld.  Please contact Doris Gargan at 516-931-2225 if you are unsure of tuition owed. The school office will be able to verify any outstanding instrumental fees.

2014 RANDY ABBE AWARD – Long Island Lutheran High School has awarded Mr. Henry DeVries the 2014 Randy Abbe Award, given for his dedication and God given talents which he has used for the members and students of Trinity Lutheran Church and School.  Congratulations, Mr. DeVries!


  • Mon., 06/09     ECC Closing Programs
  • Mon., 06/09     Literary Night; 7:00 pm
  • Tues., 06/10     Zumba; pick-up 4:00 pm (last session)
  • Wed., 06/11    Final Exams begin for Middle School (through Fri., 06/13
  • Thurs., 06/12   Writing Workshop; pick-up 4:00 pm (last session)
  • Thurs., 6/12     Carnival begins!
  • Thurs., 06/12   FAST Athletics; pick-up 4:00 pm (last Session)
  • Fri., 06/13        End of Year Picnics for Grades K-5; all day
  • Fri., 06/13        Last day for ECC students
  • Sun., 06/15      Grade 8 Baccalaureate Service; 10:30 am
  • Mon., 06/16     End of Year Middle School picnics; all day

STUDENT TEXTBOOKS – Please make certain your child has all the textbooks loaned to you by your school district for the current school year. You will be charged for any missing books and you may not be able to pick up next year’s books until the charges are paid.

LIBRARY BOOKS – All library books were due last Friday, June 6. Please remember to return immediately any books you may still have at home.

BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION – Please send in your Box Tops for Education and Campbell soup UPC codes. Trinity earns cash and merchandise for redemption of these labels. Also, please continue to save them during the summer months for redemption next year.

EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER – As the school year winds down, we are celebrating what your children have learned the past ten months with us at closing programs and parties. We hope you and your child thoroughly enjoyed your year with us and that you have a happy, healthy summer. We’ll see you in September!

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL – Welcome to Jungle Safari – where kids explore the nature of God! Vacation Bible School will be held July 28th through August 1st from 9:00 am – 12 noon. VBS is open for children four years old by December 1st through fifth grade. Youth who have completed sixth grade and older may be helpers. Registration was sent home last week, so be sure to send yours in!