I received a Christmas card quite a number of years ago and saved it.   It is displayed in a quiet corner of my home where I am reminded here and there of its message that tugged at my heartstrings back then and still does today.  You see, Christmas is a very emotional, spirited season for me and so I felt the strong sentiment behind this card which read, “I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year…” written by Charles Dickens.  And so, as I am asked to live in the spirit of Christmas throughout the entire year, I am reminded to keep that Christmas flame alive but what does that mean?  For me personally, it means to keep giving of myself.  Keep an honest heart.  Be grateful everyday.  Be joyful.  Live each day more mindfully.  Make the world a better place.

     Looking forward though, I am first inclined to look back and learn and so I  reflect  and recollect.  Speaking for myself, it is often difficult to remember yesterday, let alone eight months ago!  How many of us run through the days of our lives with long lists of things to accomplish?  At the end of every year, I try to find quiet time to sit and think about the last 12 months.  I write about times spent with family and friends, times of peace and happiness, while acknowledging growth and accomplishments of loved ones.   I collect those memories and tie them up with a heartstring and hope that someday they will be read once again with gratefulness.  But I also look at how my days were spent and how they might be improved upon.

     As we move slowly away from Christmastime, after the garland and gifts have long been tucked away, ask yourself not only how your year’s past was lived but how you might keep a healthy abundance of love, joyfulness and peace in your heart in each new day of 2015, to last the whole year through.

      As we focus on Epiphany now, we think about God’s purpose in our own life.  We begin our journey into the New Year knowing that He has a hand in all of the fine details woven into our daily living. Remember the gift of Christmas is a gift for all times and all places, for Emmanuel is with you wherever you may travel.  Give yourself and others the grace and space to learn and grow in the New Year and be ever thankful for the journey ahead.

     Honor Christmas in your heart all the year through.


Antonia Ryan

KAA Kindergarten Teacher
This and That
Re-enrollment is in full force at this time.  Each year, you must re-enroll your child, (children) for the next school year.  You can download the re-enrollment form off of our website at TrinityLI.org.  A fee of $175.00 is due at the time of re-enrollment.  Re-enrollment must be completed by March 1so we can assess classes  for next year. The fee for re-enrollment pastMarch 1 is $250.00.  So get those forms in and save $75.00!!
The deadline for submission of the January lunch menus has passed.  Ms. Marci relies on lunch menus to get an accurate count of what she needs to serve.  If your child did not submit a menu, Ms. Marci cannot guarantee that she has enough to serve your children.  Please make sure your children have their lunch with them this week if they did not submit a lunch menu.  For the younger children, please provide a small extra snack that they can eat at snack time.  Some of our younger students have been eating their lunch at snack time and then have no lunch at their lunch time.
Yearbook boosters went home before the winter break.  This is a fun way to show your support and for the children to see their family name or themselves in the yearbook.  These are due back to school no later thanFebruary 1, 2015.  If you need a copy, you can download it from our website at trinityli.org.
Monday January 5, 2015
Dance Team (MPR) 3-4:30pm
Boys 5/6 Bball (Gym) 3-4pm
Girls 6/7/8 Bball (Gym) 4-5
Boys 7/8 Bball (Gym) 5-6
Tuesday January 6, 2015
Girls 6/7/8 Bball 3:15pm (Gym) HOME vs. St. Elizabeth
Boys 7/8 Bball 4:30pm (Gym) HOME vs. St. Elizabeth
Boys 5-6 Bball 4:30pm @ St. Elizabeth
*Dance Team will be attending home games*
Wednesday January 7, 2015
Boys 5/6 Bball Practice (Gym) 3-4:30pm
Girls 6/7/8 Bball Practice (Gym) 4:30pm-6pm

Thursday January 8, 2015
Boys 5/6 Bball Practice (Gym) 3-4:30
Dance Team Practice (MPR) 3-4:30pm
Girls 6/7/8 Bball 3:45pm @ Grace Day
Boys 5/6 Bball 4:45pm @ Grace Day

Friday January 9, 2015 
Monday January 12, 2015
Girls 6/7/8 Bball Practice (Gym) 3-4:30pm
Boys 7/8 Bball Practice (Gym) 4:30pm-6pm