This week, we celebrate Read Across America and the work of the children’s author, Dr. Seuss. Each day, we will enjoy a dress up theme, a special craft, special songs and special snacks all correlating to a particular book from the Dr. Seuss’ collection.
Dr. Seuss’ work always encourages children to be confident in themselves and to be true to themselves. It encourages them to be creative and silly too. At Jesus Time this week, we will discuss how each of us was made special by God and how God loves us just the way we are, the way He made us. We will learn how God calls us to be true to ourselves and to his word.
Important Upcoming Dates:
Friday, March 15th – ECC Green Day
Friday, March 22nd – Professional Development, No School for Kids
Monday, March 25th – Toddler Easter Program
Thursday, March 28th – Friday, April 5th – Easter Recess