Last week we explored the Arctic and polar bears.  This week we are going to discover Antarctica and penguins.  We will explore the life of penguins and their Antarctic habitat.  We will count up to ten penguins using picture cards and act out the fingerplay, “Five Little Penguins Jumping On The Ice.”  Penguins begin with letter P!  We will discuss letter P and enjoy some interesting penguin stories.  Our art projects each day will focus on a daily geometric shape as we create penguin shape crafts.  There will also be fake snow to play with in the sensory table and snow dough to mold and squeeze at the art table.  Music and movement this week will include the dance, “The Penguin Dance,” by Jack Hartmann.

Penguins are such unique animals.  God made all of the animals unique and He loves all of His creation.  We will praise God for penguins and making us all unique and beautiful like the snowflakes through the song of praise, “I’ve Got the Joy, Joy, Joy.”  It should be a great week of penguin fun!

This week is also a spirit week.  Please dress up according to the daily theme if you can.

Monday – Pajama Day
Tuesday – Favorite color day (all one color)
Wednesday – Dress your best day
Thursday- Dress like a teacher day
Friday – 90s day

Upcoming dates:

Wednesday, 2/14: Valentine’s Day party – Red/Pink Day

February Break – 2/22-2/26