It’s hard to believe we are in the home stretch of our 4th grade school year!  The students have worked so hard and come so far.  We have wrapped up many of our academic subject areas.  Currently the students are working on A New York State Trifold Information Project.  They are using what we have learned along with information from the Social Studies textbook to put a final project together.  In Science, the students are gathering important facts from the five lessons in Chapter 13 and then making their own quiz on that chapter.  Both of these projects are being done in class and will count as a final grade in those subjects.

The final Language Arts assignment has been a three week, in class writing assignment that students did in their journals.  They will get their completed journals back before the last day of school.

We will finish up fractions with a test this Thursday.  Review sheets will go home each night and I will offer extra help on Wednesday morning at 7:45.  The class is really doing well with fractions.  Thanks to all of the parents for hanging in there and putting so much effort into trying to understand the math program this year.  I know it was an adjustment for all of us!

This Friday is our K-5 Picnic at Cantiague Park.  Look for the note going home on Monday with details.  The students will get their class T-shirts on Monday as well.

Finally. I have to mention a miracle taking place right outside our classroom window.  Two cardinals have built a nest, laid eggs, and now we have three baby cardinals growing in the nest in the rose bush on our patio.  We have seen the mom and dad feeding them and the mom sitting on her nest to protect the babies.  This morning we heard them chirping!  We are hoping to see them take flight before our school year is over!