6th Grade: This week in sixth grade students will continue learning about La Casa and Ar, Er, and Ir verbs endings. Students who need want extra credit can work on a cultural project during winter break.
Homework: Handouts and on Google Classroom
7th Grade: This week in seventh grade students will continue working with Los Animales and stem changing verbs. Students who need want extra credit can work on a cultural project during winter break.
Homework: Handouts and on Google Classroom
8th Grade; This week in eighth grade students will continue working on ” Walk in Someones Else’s Shoes” project. This project will help with writing fluency. This is also a humanitarian project where students will be asked to raise awareness about a crisis in a Hispanic country of their choice. Students will be involved in protectively looking for solutions to real-world problem, as well as evaluate what things are currently being done to deal with the situation.