Let it snow! Winter is here and we are all excited for the cold weather, the snow and all the fun and interesting activities that come along with them. This week we will continue to enjoy some new learning centers. We have fake snow in sensory, a doctor’s office, an alphabot play zone and magnatiles along with our art center and writing area.
Our class routine has changed a little. We will be breaking up the one hour of center time in the morning into two thirty minute center times. One will be in the morning from 9-9:30 and the other from 11:30-12. This will get us started a bit earlier and give the children some much needed unstructured playtime before lunch/nap.
This week we will enjoy many interesting activities that coincide with our study of winter. We will observe the formation of a borax crystal snowflake. We will sing and dance to “The Snowflake Song”, “5 Chilly Snowmen” and “Penguin Dance”. We will complete math pattern strips and read a variety of stories about snow. Our art projects will be to create vertical snowman name strips and a watercolor mitten.
We will also begin our study of the alphabet this week. We will explore “A” and “B” and the sounds they make.
Monday is Martin Luther King Jr day. We will learn about the history of this great man and his contribution to American society. In conjunction, at Jesus Time, we will learn that God calls us all to love one another and treat each other with respect and equality.
Over the next few weeks, we will be riding tricycles during gym. If you would like your child to wear a helmet, please send one in with your child’s name on it. We will have them wear it during gym time.
In addition, please mark your calendars…. Trinity will be closed Monday in observance of Martin Luther King Jr Day. We will also be closed next Friday for parent teacher conferences. A sign up has been posted on the classroom bulletin board. Please sign up for a conference date and time slot.