Back to School Night was a blast. Thank you to those of you who were able to attend. If you weren’t there, your student should have brought home a folder containing everything that was discussed.

Our weeks are busy. We are getting in the routine and getting used to the pace of the work. Here’s the highlights for next week:

Religion: Old Testament: quiz upon completion. Review sheet will go home. Write in gratitude journals.
Reading: Wonder. Cloze activity adn quiz completed after every few chapters. Test upon completion.
The week after next we will watch the movie and discuss the differences between the book and movie.
Vocabulary: Unit 2
Grammar: Simple subjects and simple predicates.
Writing: More paragraph practice, Friday Journals
Spelling : Words from Wonder. Test Friday
Math: Ch. 1 Quiz Wed. Test Thursday. Page a day Mon-Fri. Graded for classwork.
S.S.: Ch 1 The First Americans; Lesson 2.
Science: Mystery science: Unit 1: Web of Life: Lesson 1: Food chains, producers and consumers. Test upon completion. Wednesday is the vocabulary quiz for the STEAM catapult words. We have been practicing. The students did a good job creating catapults that threw a pom pom. Ask your student about it.
Work back Wednesday folders will go home this week.

Please sign up for the Talking Points app to make communicating easy.
Please complete the ‘Jar of hopes’ that was in the folder from Back to School Night and return to me this week. I would like to surprise the class with them as soon as possible.
Upcoming important dates:

Picture day: 10/7
Last day to wear shorts: 10/18
No school October 14: Columbus Day
Field trip: October 2. Dress for outside- bag lunch. $29 and permission slip due 9/27.

I have been thinking about this verse:
“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” James 1:5
Being reminded that God will give me the wisdom I need, the answers to what I’m struggling with, and all I have to do is ask Him and then trust in His power and perfectness has been helpful and reassuring. Just something to think about.

Thank you for all you do. Have a great week!
Mrs. Lively