Greetings in the name of our best friend – Jesus
As we enter the third week of school we continue to learn about the beautiful world our God has made for us. In doing so we welcome the Autumn season with grateful hearts.
Our math work now involves position words, sorting, placing things in the proper locations. The number three (3) is in the forefront of our learning as well.
We are learning how to play a percussion instrument, namely the triangle.
Apples continue to be at the top of our list in science: parts of an apple, the life cycle of an apple tree, and the uses of this delicious fruit. We are beginning to learn about the folk hero, Johnny Appleseed and to use his prayer at mealtimes. Later this week we will use our weekly readers to review,
Our student’s safety remains at the top of our concerns in the area of social studies. Adding to that are good manners and the student’s ability to get along with each other.
Computer class has assisted us in our sorting and patterning work.
Art with Mrs. Kerwin will be painting like Monsieur Monet while in class our easel painting will be the use of three shades of green. We are also learning how to use watercolor brushes and paint our names.
May our Lord rest His hand gently upon you and your family as you enjoy this beautiful Autumn season,
Kathleen Krass