Second Grade Notes
Week of September 29th – October 3rd
I hope you all enjoyed the beautiful summer-like weekend! The children of 2AA are really doing great. Please remember if you have any questions to contact me at [email protected].
Math: The children did really well on the Chapter One Assessment. I was so proud of all of them! We have begun our study of Chapter 2 where we are concentrating on three digit numbers this week. We will work on standard form, expanded form, and word form of three digit numbers.
Reading: Our story this week is Diary of a Spider. As usual this will include the study of Vocabulary. Our skills for this week are Cause and Effect and Context Clues.
Phonics/Spelling: This week we will study words with long vowels o,u, and e. We will also review sounds for g.
Grammar: We will move on from our study of sentences and begin to learn about Nouns.
Writing: We will plan and write Narrative Paragraphs.
Science: We will continue our study of plants.
Social Studies: We will continue to talk about being good citizens.
Religion: We will start our study with the story of the Creation.
Pizza envelopes are due on Thursday.
Sounds of Praise Choir started last Thursday and will continue this week.
This Friday, October 3rd is a dress down day. It is a fundraiser and you are able to dress down if you have paid the fee. If you wish not to participate your child should wear his or her uniform.
Tests this week
Friday – Spelling Test
Reading Test
Phonic/Grammar Test
“Society needs people who know how to be compassionate and honest…Society needs all kinds of skills that are not just cognitive; they’re emotional, they’re affectional. You can’t run the society on data and computers alone.” Alvin Toffler
Have a great week!
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Phillipians 4:13