Second Grade Notes

Week of October 27th – 31st

I hope everyone enjoyed the Fall weekend and time with family and friends.

This week is Spirit Week at Trinity.  The second grade is able to participate in Dress Down Days three days this week.  The schedule is as follows:

Tuesday:  Pink Day for breast cancer awareness

Wednesday:  Dress Your Best Day

Thursday:  Heritage Day

I hope the children have fun with these days!  I can’t wait to see what they are wearing!

Here is a look at what we are working on this week:

Math:  We will be concentrating on Subtraction Facts this week.  We will also be doing some problem solving with addition and subtraction.  The Chapter 3 Math test will be coming up next Thursday, November 6th.

Reading:  Our story this week is The Ugly Vegetables.  This story is Realistic Fiction.  Our Target Skills will be drawing conclusions and story structure.  Of course we will also concentrate on our Target Vocabulary.  We will also talk about what homophones are.

Phonics/Spelling:  In Phonics this week we will concentrate on words with double consonants and ck.  Our spelling words will follow this same pattern.

Grammar:  We will learn about Proper Nouns.

Science:  We will continue to talk about how plants adapt to their environment.

Social Studies:  We will talk about customs and traditions within communities.


  • This week is Spirit Week.  Please see above to see what days our class can participate in.
  • This Friday afternoon we will have a Pumpkin Party!  If you have not sent in your $10 class money please do so as soon as you can.
  • If any parent would like to be a Mystery Reader please let me know!  The children really seem to love this!!
  • Today the children will see an Anti-Bullying Video called The Square Pumpkin.  If you get a chance ask your child what they learned from this video.

Have a great week!!

“I can do all t hings through Christ who strengthens me.:  Philippians 4:13