Earth Science: There is a quiz on 11.3 on Tuesday. On Friday, there is a quiz on 11.4. The test on Chapter 11 will be Friday 5/14. In class this week we will be talking about caves and how to use water wisely. The review sheet will also be given out in class this week as well.
Physical Science: There will be a quiz Friday on 14.3 & 14.4. In class this week we will be discussing the different types of chemical reactions, the energy need for these reaction and the rates they happen at. A review sheet will be given out in class this week for Chapter 14. The test on Chapter 14 is Friday 5/14.
Life Science: There will be a quiz Friday on 12.3 & 12.4. In class this week we will be finishing up talking about the structures of a seed plant. The test for Chapter 12 will be on Thursday 5/13. The review guide has been posted on the Google Classroom so make sure to create your review sheet.
Living Environment: There is a quiz Monday on Chapter 30. The quiz for Chapter 31 will be on Thursday, In class this week we will be discussing the nervous system and what its function is. We also will be talking about the skeletal, muscular, and integumentary systems and how they all work together. The exam on Unit 8 will be on Tuesday 5/25. The review guide has been posted on the Google Classroom and also make sure to use the blue Barron’s book to study as well.