Earth Science: The Chapter 8 test is on Wednesday 3/30. Make sure to study the vocabulary and review sheet given out in class. This week we will be continuing on our earthquake projects answering the question: “How can engineering help us build homes that withstand earthquakes?”
Physical Science: There will be a quiz Friday on 13.1. This week we will be learning all about valence electrons and how atom form chemical bonds. We will be working on an activity learning how to configure electrons and how to determine how many are in each energy level.
Life Science: On Tuesday, there is a quiz on 22.4. The Chapter 22 test will be on Thursday 3/31. This week we will be working on a lab learning how to use a microscope by looking at cheek cells .
Living Environment: On Thursday, there is a quiz on chapters 27 & 28. The Unit 7 test is on Tuesday 4/5. Make sure to look at the review guide which is posted on the classroom. This week we will be discussing animals and their behavior. We also will be working on a lab called Acid Rain where we will be learning about the pH of all different substances and how to test if it is acidic or basic.