I hope everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable weekend.
Earth Science: The test on Chapter 9 will be on Friday 3/5. We will be reviewing for the test this week. In class we also will begin working on our volcano project. For this project we will research the type of volcano, the eruption it causes, the nearest major city along with other important information.
Physical Science: In class this week we will be working on a project about elements. For this project we will be researching an element and learning about its atomic number, chemical symbol, and special properties along with other important information. Once we have completed our research we will create an element superhero which will be presented in class through a Google Slide presentation. We also will begin to review for the Chapter 12 test. The test on Chapter 12 will be on Tuesday 3/9.
Life Science: The test on Chapter 10 will be Friday 3/5. We will finish review for the test this week. In class this week we will begin working on a research project pertaining to bacteria and viruses. In this project we will learn how both bacteria and viruses form, where they originate from, and how to control them along with other important information.
Living Environment: The quiz on Chapters 18 & 19 will be on Wednesday 3/3. This week in class we will review how to create a hypothesis as well as complete the Beaks of Finches lab. The Unit 5 exam will be on Tuesday 3/9. The study guide has been posted on the Google Classroom.