Here are the topics we are covering this week for:
Earth Science: There will be a quiz Tuesday on chapter 1 sections 1 and 2. In class we will be discussing scientific models, scientific measurement, and lab safety rules.
Physical Science: There is a quiz Tuesday on chapter 1 sections 1 and 2. In class we will be discussing scientific models, scientific measurement, and lab safety rules.
Life Science: There will be a quiz on chapter 1 sections 3 and 4 on Wednesday. In class we will be finishing up the chapter with discussing scientific measurement and lab safety rules. We also will be working on a lab learning about measurement. This week a review sheet for the chapter will also be given out and completed. The test on Chapter 1 will be Tuesday 9/28.
Living Environment: The quiz for Chapter 2 will be on Thursday 9/23. In Chapter 2 we will be learning about the nature of matter, properties of water, carbon compounds, and chemical reactions and enzymes. For lab this week we will be learning how to use a microscope. The Unit 1 exam will be on Tuesday 9/28. A review guide will be posted on Google Classroom.